środa, 2 kwietnia 2014

25 random facts about me

I thought you'd like to know something about me. Here comes the facts about my super (not) exciting life!

  1. I am addicted to coffee. Literally I have to drink a cup of coffee a day.
  2. I love taking pictures.
  3. I would like to be fit, but I'm too lazy to work out.
  4. My height is 5ft 9'' (175 cm).
  5. I used to dance a lot when I was younger. 
  6. Pretty Little Liars is my favorite TV show. Honestly, it requires a lot of patience in waiting for the next episode. Who the hell are you, A?
  7. Also, I love How I met your mother. This show is legen-wait for it-dary!
  8. I'd love to create my own clothing line. How awesome is that?
  9. I love reading books. Once I found this really interesting book, and I kept reading until I finished. All night long.
  10. I've never broken a bone in my life. And that's quite interesting, because I'm totally clumsy!
  11. I think I am addicted to chocolate and other sweet stuff. 
  12. I don't have TV and I don't like watching it. Every TV show (which are mentioned up there) I watch on my computer.
  13. I read my first book when I was about 3! How cool I am? (yeah, I'm not..)
  14. Foreign languages is something that comes easily to my brain. 
  15. I hate math. Math hates me. We are enemies.
  16. Spiders and everything else what flies is my real phobia. I am scared of these little wings of them.. Yeah, even butterflies.
  17. I love Christmas and snow, but I hate the cold. Brrr! Summer rules.
  18. I can't play any instrument. That's kind of sad, but it's never too late, right?
  19. I forgive people's mistakes very quikly and easily. 
  20. When I was a child, I had guinea pig.
  21. I have never seen Titanic, Star wars or even Avatar. Is something wrong with me?
  22. I love the smell of rain. 
  23. Grapefruit is my favorite fruit ever!
  24. My hair is so straight, even when I make them wavy/curly, it'll be straight again in the minute. 
  25. I am a night owl, most things I do, I do at night. And maybe that's the reason why I'm sleepy all around.

Hope you enjoyed this! Let me know some random stuff about you in comments below!

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